
During the four days you can expect a programme of round tables, workshops, meetings, exhibitions, concerts, performances, parades, political performances, rituals and more. Below you will find the overview of the whole programme as it is today.

Please refer to the following document to find a detailed description of the different events: Download

If not mentioned otherwise, the events of the Peoples’ Forum for Climate Justice and Financial Regulation will take place at the main venue at “Gundeldinger Feld” (Hall 8, Dornacherstrasse 192, 4053 Basel).

The forum wants to create a collective space for discussion, networking and alternatives. Download this awareness concept explaining how we aim to engage with topics around awareness, discrimination and interaction during the event.

This plenary wishes to introduce the Peoples' Forum, its aims and stakes. Besides European environmental activists and NGOs specialized in finance, more than ten delegates from occupied and global south territories resisting extractivism and fossil expansion will quickly sketch their struggles, showing the common points that brought them together as well as the peculiarities of each of their fights.

Target audience: General public

The plenary gives an overview of the multifaceted problem we’re tackling, namely global heating, the destruction of the commons, environmental and social impacts, violence against communities and environmental defenders, energy dependence and precarization. The idea is to make the key connection between those aspects and to draw the broader picture. This means both tracing the colonial history of fossil extractivism and fossil finance and understanding their deep roots in the today financial system.

  • María Elena Foronda (Peru, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism) - Different faces and layers of fossil extractivism impacts, a latin-american perspective
  • Madhuresh Kumar (India) - Different faces and layers of fossil extractivism impacts, a south-asian perspective
  • Moustapha Faty (Senegal, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism) - Different faces and layers of fossil extractivism impacts, an african perspective
  • Armel Campagne - Fossil extractivism and fossil capital accumulation, a (neo)colonial history
  • (TBD) - Fossil finance today, how neocolonial capital accumulation is embedded in our financial system

Target audience: General public

The co-creation break out sessions take place in small groups working parallel to each other. These spaces aim at enhancing mutual learning: people are invited to network, share stories and/or struggles, identify shared values and goals, work on a common vision, strategies and tactics. The general idea of this first co-creation space is getting to know the different ways we already have of tackling this common problem in specific cases, for example through disinvestment campaigns, shareholder advocacy, territorial defense, etc., and working towards building alliances to tackle new specific cases together in the future (i.e. joint campaigns against the financial flows behind one company or one specific project).

Target audience/participants: environmental, climate and social justice grassroots movements + NGO’s working to stop fossil finance and fossil corporate power + Environmental and social defenders from global south and occupied territories + Diasporas and international solidarity networks

Several workshops will take place at the same time in order to deep-dive into specific topics related to fossil extractivism and fossil finance.

  • Workshop 1 - Crisis, extractivism and migration. Structural reasons for migration - Dario Farcy
  • Workshop 2 - Fossil Capital - Simon Schaupp
  • Round-table 1 - Souths in the north : energy poverty and fossil extractivism in southern europe - Aliança contra la Pobresa Energètica ; Re:commons
  • Online panel 1 : Commodification of nature - María Elena Foronda (Peru, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism; moderator) ; Rafael Bautista (Bolivia) ; Juan Manuel Sandoval (Mexico);
  • Photographic Action Workshop (1/3) : A tribute to the defenders of the Earth - Leonidas Martín & Oriana Eliçabe (Enmedio collective, Barcelona). Everyone is invited to participate in the preparation of an exciting artistic intervention that will take place in the Parc Margarethen on Friday 23rd at 7:30PM

The evening program is dedicated to stories of activists and their fights against extractivist fossil industries in different parts of the world. Each evening, in varied formats, several delegates of four different continents will share their experiences

  • Film : Zona de sacrificio - Fernanda Herrera (Argentina, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism)
  • Film : La sombra del petróleo - María Elena (Peru, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism), Macedonio Vásquez (Perú, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism)
  • More to come …

The panel underpins the undemocratic and colonial character of our current financial international institutions, pointing out to the importance of addressing finance regulation as a strategic approach to advance towards climate, environmental and social justice. This entails first and foremost understanding how financial regulation could be both different and complementary to other existing international campaigns and or judicial mechanisms working towards the respect of nature, life and human rights

  • Paulo Andres Estrada Añokazi (Colombia, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism) - About consultation: understanding the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) of the World's First Peoples and Nations, a perspective from the indigenous and tribal communities from Abya Yala
  • Nonhle Mbuthuma (SouthAfrica, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism) - Right to say No + StopCorporate Impunity
  • Rosa Galvez - Towards fossil financial regulation (how is it both different and complementary to those other systematic approaches)
  • Benoît Lallemand - Short history of financial regulation, the future tendencies and the key possibilities of change
  • Esteban Servat (Argentina, Debt for Climate Global) - Decolonizing by debt cancellation: how environmental justice links to the external debts of Global South countries

Target audience: General public

The co-creation break out sessions take place in small groups working parallel to each other. These spaces aim at enhancing mutual learning: people are invited to network, share stories and/or struggles, identify shared values and goals, work on a common vision, strategies and tactics. The general idea of this second co-creation moment is finding ways of addressing collectively, with a systematic approach, the question of fossil finance regulation. Organizations and movements will discuss how to collaborate through different strategies and fronts to move towards environmental and social justice not only with the aim of cutting specific fossil finance flows and stopping individual fossil extractivist projects, but also that of addressing the issues in a systematic way

Target audience/participants: environmental, climate and social justice grassroots movements + ONG’s working to stop fossil finance and fossil corporate power + Environmental and social defenders from global south and occupied territories + Diasporas and international solidarity networks

Several workshops will take place at the same time. Each of them dives into a specific topic and participates to an overall process of capacity building:

  • Workshop one : Why do we need debt cancellation for the Global South to enable a just transition? - Alexandra Gavilano (Debt for climate)
  • Workshop two : Understanding the BIS and the One-for-One rule - Rosa Galvez & Julia Symon (ChangeFinance)
  • Workshop three: Targeting insurance to block fossil fuel expansion: case studies of successful fights, strategies and tactics - Isabelle L’Héritier & Nora Scheel (Sunrise Project & Campax)
  • Workshop four : Fighting banks financing for fossil fuel projects - Henrieke Butijn, (BankTrack)
  • Workshop five : Enforcing Climate Justice - Juliana & Rafaele (Global Campaign to Reclaim People's Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity)

Parallel discussions on related subjects will try to move beyond the strategic and narrow scope of fossil finance, and finally ask: Where should we be heading to? Where not? What common worlds should we try to build together? What other ways of dwelling and relating should we foster and cherish?

  • Round-table 1: Towards subsistence-based communitarian economies: defending water and land to build post-development alternatives; Moustapha Faty (Senegal, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism); Rogel del Rosal Valladares (Mexico, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism) ; Macedonio Vásquez (Peru, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism);
  • Round-table 2 : Re-enchanting the world, not re-inventing it : indigenous lessons for buen-vivir, respect of the Earth and the practice of commons - Oliveira Montes Lacano (Mexico, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism) ; Adriana Guzmán (Bolivia) ; Silvia Federici (Italy)
  • Round-table 3 : Whose sovereignty behind the energetic transition? : Tracing the links between fossil capital and sustainable energy. From finance ownership to green extractivism - Oscar Sampayo (Colombia, Global Coalition of Peoples facing Extractivism); Henrieke Butijn; Sergio Oceransky
  • Workshop : Green extractivism is not buen-vivir - Camillo (Abya Yala Anticolonial Hamburg)
  • Photographic Action Workshop (2/3): A tribute to the defenders of the Earth - animated by Leonidas Martín & Oriana Eliçabe (Barcelona, Enmedio collective). Everyone is invited to participate in the preparation of the artistic intervention taking place in the Parc Margarethen on Friday 23rd at 7:30PM

Oscar Sampayo and Fernanda Herrera from the Global Coalition of Peoples Facing Extractivism, along with The Enmedio collective invite you to join an artistic intervention which, in symbiosis with the wind, will pay homage to all those who lost their lives defending the Earth.

Following an introduction to the artistic intervention, the evening will be dedicated to stories of activists and their fights against the extractivist fossil industry in different parts of the world. Each evening, in varied formats, several delegates of four different continents will share their experiences.

Small synthesis of the two previous days + why are we marching to the BIS today.

  • Workshop 1 : Incorporating anti-oppression values into campaigns - Leyla Larbi, Ekō
  • Workshop 2 : Bird-dogging - Katja George
  • Workshop 3 : Preparation of march material
  • Photographic Action Workshop (3/3) : A tribute to the defenders of the Earth - Leonidas Martín & Oriana Eliçabe (Barcelona, Enmedio collective) - black clothes are necessary!
  • Co-creation space 3 : How to build a people power agenda to change finance ?

The opening gathering for the Peoples’ Parade for environmental justice and financial regulation takes place at Kaserne (Basel)

The closure gathering of the Peoples’ Parade for environmental justice and financial regulation takes place at De Wette Park next to the BIS

During the last collective moments we will try to build a common manifesto, drawing from the synthesis of the last two days

This plenary will serve to look back at the forum and piece together the different learnings and outcomes. Learnings from the strategic and exchange moments will allow us to draft the up-coming strategic moments to exchange upon and pressure for an environmentally and socially just financial regulation

Forum Participants

Paulo Andres Estrada Añokazi

Technical Secretary of the Permanent Round Table of Indigenous Peoples and Nations of Colombia

Maria Elena Foronda Farro

Peruvian former MP, co-founder and director of the Natura environmental institute (Instituto Ambientalista Natura), Goldman prize winner

Fernanda Herrera

social worker, active in the fight against fracking in Argentina, Vaca Muerta.

Moustapha Faty

political scientist, member of the international committee fighting against the exploitation of zircon, Senegal

Benoît Lallemand

Secretary General, Finance Watch, Brussels

Henrieke Butijn

Researcher, Banktrack, Nijmegen

Asti Roesle

Senior Campaigner, Climate Alliance Switzerland, Geneva

Oliveria Montes Lazcano

nahua indigenous leader, environmental activist and fighter against fracking from the Sierra Norte, Puebla, Mexico.

Oscar Sampayo

Defender of Human Rights and Nature, social researcher and member of CRY-GEAM, Colombia

Silvia Federici

Feminist Post-Marxist Political Philosopher and Activist, professor emerita and teaching fellow at Hofstra University, New York State (Zoom).

Simon Schaupp

Simon Schaupp is a sociologist at the University of Basel. He researches the world of work and the ecological crisis and leads the workshop "Fossil Capital - An Introduction".

Aurore Mathieu

Aurore Mathieu is the Campaigns Team Manager at Reclaim Finance. Previously, she worked in advocacy and influencing at the Climate Action Network France and Oxfam International

Armel Campagne

Armel Campagne is a PhD Researcher at the European University Institute, whose dissertation investigates the history of coal mining in colonial Vietnam. He is the author of Le Capitalocène. Aux racines historiques du dérèglement climatique (Divergences, 2017), and several articles on the environmental history of capitalism and colonialism.

Maps & Directions

The Peoples’ Forum for Climate Justice and Financial Regulation will take place at the following location:

Gundeldinger Feld, Hall 8
Dornacherstrasse 192
4053 Basel (Switzerland)

The location can be reached by foot in 15 minutes from the main station “Basel SBB”.


Sign up now if you want to attend the Peoples’ Forum for Climate Justice and Financial Regulation or receive more information on how to get involved!

During the four days you can expect a program with diverse workshops, panel discussions, concerts and exhibitions and many other formats with international participants and speakers. Be a part of it!

Please indicate in the registration form if you wish to join the Peoples’ Forum for Climate Justice and Financial Regulation from outside of Basel and need accommodation. Our team can provide sleeping places and will reach out to you as soon as possible.
