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Tell finance industry watchdogs to protect people and planet, not big oil and gas

Our global financial system is broken. Banks are pumping billions into fossil fuels, bankrolling climate chaos and jeopardising our futures in the name of profit.

But we have an opportunity to push banking regulators to end fossil finance worldwide.

On 25th June, the 63 central banks from across the world will meet for their crucial annual meeting to debate on future rules for financial institutions worldwide. In other words: they have the power to stop banks from funding fossil fuel projects and invest in our futures.

Right now, these regulators are used to making decisions that concern us directly behind closed doors without being challenged. But this year, things are different…

Frontline communities and activists from all over the world will gather at the meeting in Basel to directly challenge the decision makers and hand them over this petition. We need people's power, your power to get there: if thousands of us pile on to back the call, we can push the regulators to act on our demands.

Banks are one of the key enablers for fossil fuels projects. No money = no fracking in Latin America, no crude oil pipeline in Africa, no mega gas projects in the Arctic. Entire livelihoods and ecosystems are being ripped out in the name of short-term profit -- violating frontline communities' most basic human rights and threatening our chance of a livable future on our shared home, Earth.

By changing the rules, we can cut off the roots of the problem: no more funding to fossil fuel projects. And a dignified future for us all.

This year, we can catch regulators by surprise. Let's show them that thousands of people from across the globe are paying close attention to their debate and calling for a democratic and decolonial global financial system.

The mobilisation against fossil finance is growing -- from Uganda, Argentina, Colombia, Senegal, Mexico, Tanzania, DRC, Peru, Philippines, Canada, South Africa… Frontlines communities, Indigenous groups, activists, NGOs, experts and YOU. We're all coming together to get regulators to change the rules, to stop banks and insurance corporations from supporting all of these devastating projects once and for all. People power works!

Today, we can change the top rules guiding their investments. But we can't do it alone:

Call on finance industry watchdogs to adopt new financial rules that put people and the planet over fossil profits.

Sign the petition

TO: Financial regulators and supervisors: central bankers, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)

End fossil finance and the exploitation of people and the planet:

  1. Adopt the one-for-one rule (higher capital requirements for all new fossil fuel projects);
  2. Enforce new bank obligations to respect communities’ and Indigenous peoples’ right to say no to fossil exploitation on their land;
  3. Rewrite financial rules to ban financing for any industrial development in critical ecosystems.
  4. Exert strongest pressure on Finance Ministers of the G7 and G20 to play their part in securing a just and resilient financial system, by immediately addressing Global South debt issues and repairing loss and damage caused by fossil fuels

